'Be Good' Dog Training does not condone the use of harsh handling techniques, physical aggression towards a dog or the use of alpha rolls -
Please ensure that both you and your dog are correctly attired - this includes having poo-sacks and appropriate footwear.
Always clear up after your dog - try to ensure they have had a chance to 'toilet' before class.
Your dog should be wearing a collar and be on a normal lead (not extending and not a chain)
We do not allow dogs to be trained wearing slip or check (choke) collars. Puppies under six months should not be wearing half-checks.
Dogs can train using halties/canni-collars/gentle leaders or similar as long as properly fitted.
Dogs should be healthy - if your dog is lame, vomiting, has diarrhoea or is coughing, please do not bring them to class.
Feel free to bring training aids or treats to class. Treats should be Small, Soft and Smelly. Cheese/Sausage/Liver Cake works best!
(if making liver cake be sure to use BEEF or LAMB liver...)
If your dog's behaviour leads you to think that it may cause injury to another dog or person, please speak to Lizzie prior to coming to class to arrange a 121 - if you have concerns please ensure that it is muzzled (basket-type) at all times when coming to class.
Please ensure that both you and your dog are correctly attired - this includes having poo-sacks and appropriate footwear.
Always clear up after your dog - try to ensure they have had a chance to 'toilet' before class.
Your dog should be wearing a collar and be on a normal lead (not extending and not a chain)
We do not allow dogs to be trained wearing slip or check (choke) collars. Puppies under six months should not be wearing half-checks.
Dogs can train using halties/canni-collars/gentle leaders or similar as long as properly fitted.
Dogs should be healthy - if your dog is lame, vomiting, has diarrhoea or is coughing, please do not bring them to class.
Feel free to bring training aids or treats to class. Treats should be Small, Soft and Smelly. Cheese/Sausage/Liver Cake works best!
(if making liver cake be sure to use BEEF or LAMB liver...)
If your dog's behaviour leads you to think that it may cause injury to another dog or person, please speak to Lizzie prior to coming to class to arrange a 121 - if you have concerns please ensure that it is muzzled (basket-type) at all times when coming to class.